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Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

  • Leave your mobility card behind.

    We won’t inquire about your impairment, or ask for evidence of diagnosis. We’re not here to police the space: if you vibe with us, you’re welcome here.

    There is no such thing as disabled enough.


    Multiple perspectives are encouraged.

    We all know that there is no singular experience of disability, and that no one person can ever speak for our collections of communities.

    Disabled people exist in every community, and so we welcome a plurality of voices, experiences, language, and perspectives.


    Disabled Māori are Māori.

    The modern framing of disability is the result of a colonial, capitalist shitshow that diminishes people’s mana based on their perceived productivity.

    Decolonising and reindigenising disability spaces is a critical journey for all Pākehā and tauiwi, and The D*List is committed to creating an environment where Māori have the choice to be unapologetically both Māori and disabled.


    We won’t always get it right.

    And that’s okay.

    Our work is deeply rooted in deconstruction - of narratives, identities, beliefs, attitudes - and the reimagination of those things. That’s messy, crunchy work, and at times we’ll push things too far. Or not far enough.

    All we ask is that you let us know - and work with us to build something even better.


    We refuse to become part of the problem.

    The D*List is an agitator, a disruptor. The moment we become complicit in the systems, mindsets and financial incentives that we so strongly advocate against, will be the moment we cease to become relevant.

    We must continue to push for better, and we’ll know we’re successful when we’re no longer needed.


    The collective enemy here is ableism.

    The systems, beliefs, and attitudes that prevent disabled people from reaching our potential, and leading the lives we want.

    It probably goes without saying, but we won’t tolerate harrassment or bullying towards others on any of our platforms, because dismantling these systems of oppression will take all of us.